I have had a Peavey Spectrum filter for quite a while. My original purpose with it was to add analogur filter to one output on the ASR-10. But I hardly used it. The spectrum is almost a monophonic synth with a mixer instead of oscillators. It's got a moog-like filter, a vca, and two envelope generators and the usual midi control. Well oscillators and lfo's was needed to make it sound. And MFB have recently released the wonderful VCO:s from Synth II as a module. So I bought a MFB/Schneidersladen rack and some modules. From left to right it's MFB MIDI/CV-Netzteil, Doepfer A-117 Digital Noise/Random Clock/808 Sound Source, Doepfer A-118 Noise/Random, MFB Dual LFO, MFB OSC-02 Triple VCO, Doepfer A-138b Exponential Mixer, MFB-DUAL ADSR, Doepfer A-132-3 Dual linear/exponential VCA and Doepfer A-106-6 XP Filter. I call it the "Noise Modular" since it has several sorts of noisegenerators. Notice anything missing? No utility modules! I had miscalculated Teileinheiten and two Analogue Solutions MX224 Mixer/Inverter/Buffer (splitter) didn't fit. How useful is a modular without utility modules? Another MFB rack is now ordered which to start with will contain the two MX224:s, a Doepfer A-180 Multiples, Doepfer A-138c Polarizing Mixer and Doepfer A-170 Dual Slew Limiter. I think this will be one for it's size very powerful synthesizer. The Doepfer XP filter is inspired by Oberheim Xpander and contains 16 filtermodes of which eight can be used simultaneously. Sounds from three parts of the racks can then be fed to the Spectrum synth engine. I'll continue to fill the second rack of cause. More lfo's and envelopes. And a ring modulator. The MFB oscillator has a built in X-OR gate type ringmodulator like the MS-20 and ARP Odyssey, but I definitely want a "true" ringmodulator too. Also the Doepfer wave multipliers seems very interesting. Expect to hear much from this on the next album...
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